Steam Trap Maintenance Made Easier With Pipeline Connector


Steam is a common source of heat or power throughout industrial and commercial installations. Most steam systems operate as a closed system, with a return of condensate to maximize energy efficiency and gain other operational benefits. Steam traps are the workhorse of many condensate return systems, routing condensate back to the boiler and non-condensible gases out of the system, all without a major loss of steam.

Steam traps are points of high maintenance in the steam system. They are also an integral part of the system, meaning they are under pressure. Steam trap maintenance requires isolating the trap from the system, venting the pressure within the isolated section, and removing liquid that may be contained in the trap.

Spirax Sarco, a globally recognized leader in steam system componentry and controls, provides a single-unit solution for steam trap maintenance isolation. The PC4000 pipeline connector series (in the company’s own words)…

“…are a complete ‘Trap valve station solution’ developed for use with two bolt universal swivel connector steam traps.
As the unit has been designed with two integral piston stop valves, it is possible to isolate both upstream and downstream of the universal trap connection and through the use of the fitted depressurization valves, possible to depressurize, test and drain the pipeline. The trap depressurization port also incorporates a maintainable 40 mesh stainless steel strainer screen to provide trap protection from system dirt and debris, which can be cleared through the use of the line pressure.”

A detailed data sheet is provided below for further review. Share your steam system challenges of all types with specialists, combining your facility and process knowledge with their product application expertise to develop effective solutions.

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