Remote Assist™

Your Intuitive Toolkit

Remote Assist™ (RA)

Remote Assist™ (RA) is the ideal solution for businesses seeking more detailed knowledge of the condition of their installed process equipment and the necessary solutions to employ when performing troubleshooting and repair tasks.


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What Is Remote Assist™?

Remote Assist™ is a combined software and hardware solution from MSEC that allows businesses to track their operations and communicate with experts remotely and in real time for any troubleshooting needs. Features and benefits companies receive from using this support service for their process equipment include:

Remote Site Management

Plant managers can quickly connect with team members or other organizations and locations to solve problems. They can also triage issues internally or externally for more flexibility.


Streamlined Troubleshooting

By communicating with experts remotely, managers eliminate the numerous costs involved in getting technicians out to the job site. This ability helps maintain business productivity and save time and money. Remote Assist™ also allows companies to eliminate the need to create a Purchase Order and wait weeks for an on-site visit, significantly reducing the duration of equipment downtime.


Customization Options

Companies can select a basic plan that meets their requirements or develop a custom plan for more specificity for their desired applications.

Remote Assist™ (RA)

What to Expect From Remote Assist™ Services

When working with the packaged Remote Assist™ solution, businesses receive:

  • Optional process or product remote support from MSEC
  • Standard Wi-Fi connectivity and optional mobile phone connectivity
  • A pre-configured iPad with all necessary hardware and licensed software
  • One trip and up to four hours of in-person training for each plant
  • Unlimited call-in support during standard business hours

Connect With Us for a Quote on Remote Assist™ Today

Remote Assist™ can help companies in a range of industries gain more control over their operations and increase the efficiency of their troubleshooting processes — including businesses in the food and beverage, HVAC, and oil and gas sectors. Fill out and submit the contact form today to request a quote on the MSEC RA solution.

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